HP fanfic: The Other Child Of The Prophecy

Hey, all!
I just wrote this fanfic randomly. I think, it’s going to be a series of a few stories and scenes from the side characters from the HP world, or maybe it will a collection of write-ups from Neville’s life, I am not sure but I am open to write anything that comes through. So, here is first of many from the series to come. 
The Other Child Of The Prophecy

Three weeks had passed since the epic battle at Hogwarts and to say that people were still dealing with the loss of their loved ones was an understatement. Hogwarts was being rebuilt and since everyone had fought together, shoulder to shoulder with the evil, it only seemed natural to create a new life from the wreck together. So, the Deputy Headmistress turned Headmistress, professor Minerva McGonagall had sent every Hogwarts student and alumni a letter asking them to volunteer if they will, to help make the castle and manage other things. When Neville Longbottom had received his letter, the first thing he did was to take out the golden coin from his pocket and he flicked it in his hand. This coin which originally belonged to Harry was now his, as he had used this very fake galleon to summon the other members of Dumbledore’s army three weeks ago. Harry felt that it was what helped resurrecting Hogwarts and ultimately kill Voldemort, so he had given him the coin as a token of honour and loyalty to Hogwarts and Dumbledore.
He smiled. Maybe, it was time for another meeting for Dumbledore’s army. Carefully using his wand, he put the date and time on the coin.

May 28, 1998- Hogwarts

That was enough. He knew that Dumbledore’s army won’t need more than that. He looked on his right, there was a barn owl sitting on his night table. Neville’s grandmother had gotten him this owl as a present for making her proud in the Hogwarts battle. Neville had been so grateful to his Gran when she gave him this Owl. He had named it Sand for his sandy coloured feathers. Later that day, he had gone to St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries to show it to his parents. Sand tilted its head and gave a low hoot. He smiled and sat on the chair beside the table to write a letter.

“Dear Luna,
I just received a letter from Professor McGonagall asking for volunteers, and decided to go there. I think professor Sprout would like my help. I also sent the message to Dumbledore’s army, as I am sure you might have noticed. I thought that they would come there too.
Uh, I was hoping to see you at Hogwarts, if you can come, I would like that.
P.S. I have got something for you!


He kept the quill aside and tied the letter to Sand’s leg. She cooed and jumped on his shoulder. After nibbling his ear, she left through the window and merged with the night sky.

Trevor croaked as if jealous of the other animal. Neville put a Greenbean in Trevor’s mouth and petted it’s head. The thought of seeing Luna again made Neville happy in a way that he had never been before. He had collected Mollyseeds from his uncle’s backyard. Neville knew that Luna thinks that Mollyseeds are Wisher’s Fissure, a berry with a crevice that fulfill a wish if you hang them around your neck. Neville knew that it wasn’t true and Mollyseeds were seeds used to grow Molly. He loved Luna for her naivety. She had this odd quality about her that allowed her to be her own way without fearing about what others thought about her. Neville thought that she was brave for this, and every battle she had caught against he-who-must-not-be-named was proof that there was no measure of Luna’s bravery. Wishing her Gran goodnight, he lay on bed, thinking about meeting others and Luna. “Does she misses me the same way I miss her?” That was the last thought before he dozed off.

Shortlisted in Readify Author Hunt: Capgemini

Hey readers!

It’s been ages since I posted anything on here and since I want to keep this particular blogpost precise, let’s just say that my plans with this blog are evolving and there will be another post about that soon!

Coming to the topic of this post, I have a great announcement for you all. If you have been following me for awhile, then you know that I am also into writing dark fantasy and paranormal fiction (apart from poetry) and lately, I have been fascinated with the sci-fi genre as well. Who knew that I will be expanding my writerly horizons!! 

Well, recently I had participated in this short story contest hosted by India’s one of the leading apps for readers called Readify in which surprisingly, my story got selected by the judges’ jury!! Can you believe that! I know, I couldn’t.

Now, that I have made it to the second round, it’s up to my readership and support to make my story a winner of the contest. In short, it’s up to you— my readers, to make my short story a winner! Did I mention that you can read my story FOR FREE!!

Each vote counts!!

If I get enough votes, not only do I get to win this contest, but I get a friggin’ publishing contract with Readify.

About the story–
Surviving Death is a dark fantasy story set in a post-apocalyptic world which is a remnant of the war. The narrator of the story has been trying hard to not to run into The Watchers– who are Guards on watch, looking for surviving humans. Whether they get food or death by gun depends on which side of the lands they were born in. All that changes and becomes significant, however, when the narrator comes across this mysterious horse that seems like it has descended from the heavens. What happens next is unexpected!

If you like this summary, please take a moment to read my story and if you LOVE it, then please vote for my story and help me make it a winner!
All I need is your support.

How can you read the story?

1. Use my invite code CHD315 when you sign up on this app.

2. From that top left corner, click on the main menu button and select Readify Author Hunt

3. Select RAH- Capgemini and vote for the story called Surviving Death by Kashish Kaur.


To tempt you further, here’s an excerpt from my story-



Some reviews by the people who have read the story –






That’s all for now. Stay tuned to my blog to track my recent activities as there is A LOT of developments that I have to share with you all.

*Some text is hidden on purpose to maintain the privacy of reviewers as well to maintain the reviews spoiler free.